

Pradeep Kumar Verma

I Pradeep Kumar Verma, from EE Branch, secured AIR-5 (EE). I would like to first of all thank to my parents from there support & motivation. It would not have been possible without them. And I would like to thank the Entire faculty of Made Easy for the guidance and make my ability to reach to that level that I have been able to secure AIR-5 (EE). If Made Easy would be there, it would have been taken too many time to complete my course and to be prepared for the exam. The Classroom course and note well-structured and well planned according to syllabus. That I don’t have to refer any other text book or material. I was totally dependent on classroom note.

And after completing my syllabus, to face the exam the OTS have given the same type of experience and I was able to give the GATE exam without any fear and hesitation. Thank to MADE EASY.


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