What is CSE ?
The Civil Services Examination (CSE) is one of the most competitive and prestigious exams in India, conducted by UPSC to recruit candidates for key posts such as Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and various Group 'A' and Group 'B' Central Services.
It offers premier job opportunities and a challenging career. The selected candidates play a major role in the bureaucracy, holding strategic posts across the country. These candidates recruited as officers are involved in various key responsibilities like policymaking, implementation, law and order, general administration, development of new projects, etc.
Opportunities after clearing UPSC (CSE)
The officers will get a chance to work in diverse fields and hold key posts such as Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM), District Magistrate (DM), Superintendent of Police (SP), Divisional Commissioner (DC), Principal Secretaries, Financial Commissioners, and Chief Secretary of State, Cabinet Secretary etc.
The Civil Services Examination is conducted for recruitment to the Services and Posts mentioned below:
Group A Services
Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
Indian Police Service (IPS)
Indian Foreign Service (IFS)
Indian Revenue Service (Customs & Indirect Taxes)
Indian Revenue Service (I.T.)
Indian Audit and Accounts Service
Indian Defense Accounts Service
Indian Defense Estates Service
Indian Information Service
Indian Postal Service
Indian P & T Accounts & Finance Service
Indian Railway Protection Force
Indian Trade Service
Indian Railway Management Service (Traffic)
Indian Railway Management Service (Personnel)
Indian Railway Management Service (Accounts)
Indian Civil Accounts Service
Indian Corporate Law Service
Group B Services
Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service
Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil Service (DANICS)
Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Police Service (DANIPS)
Pondicherry Civil Service (PONDICS)
Pondicherry Police Service (PONDIPS)
Scheme of Examination
The UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) consists of three stages:
Preliminary Examination
Main Examination
Personality Test/Interview
The question papers will be both in Hindi and English.
If a candidate appears in the preliminary examination, an attempt will be counted; only submitting an online application will not be counted as an attempt.
State 2: Main Examination
The main examination is a written examination consisting of 9 papers.
Qualifying Papers
One language paper selected by the candidate from the languages included in the 8th Schedule to the Indian Constitution
Minimum qualifying marks: 25% of the total marks (300)